In today’s fast-paced and increasingly complex operational environments, command and control centers play a critical role in ensuring efficient and effective management of information and resources.

Despite their importance, several myths persist about the capabilities and requirements of modern command and control technologies.

Below are the top 12 Myths, and how recent advancements—particularly visability from Activu—are changing the way these centers operate. From the misconception that such systems must be hardware-intensive, to the belief that only onsite AV contractors are required to manage their upkeep, explore how innovations like cloud-based data management, Direct View LED technology, and automated dashboards are revolutionizing command and control centers.

Myth 1

Command and control center technology is always hardware-intensive, requiring server racks and extensive cabling.

Myth Buster

Recent advancements with visability from Activu, command and control room operators can now manage data via the cloud, eliminating the need for hardware intensive solutions.

Myth 2

Antiquated DLP Cube video walls are superior to DV-LEDs.

Myth Buster

Advancements have come quickly in the display industry, and direct view LED displays are more economical, brighter, less power-hungry, easier to install, easier to repair, and are available in a range of fine resolutions to more closely match their intended use, than old-style projection cubes.

Myth 3

Current technology does not support extending the Common Operational Picture across remote operators, devices, and locations.

Myth Buster

Visability enables seamless information sharing with key decision-makers across various devices, ensuring quick responses during emergencies, whether in the command or control room, conference room, or out in the field.

Myth 4

Only operators within the facility need access to command and control center software.

Myth Buster

In emergencies, it’s crucial to share information with key stakeholders, including executives and other teams, to make swift, informed decisions.

Myth 5

Collaboration and interoperability with outside agencies are unnecessary.

Myth Buster

Visability ensures seamless structured communication and data sharing with local authorities and emergency operation centers, which is vital for managing a crises like severe weather or cyberattacks and enhances coordination and decision-making.

Myth 6

Combining functionalities within a single command and control center is inefficient for supporting various operations.

Myth Buster

Visability allows for operators to create customized dashboards called Spaces, which combat information overload by curating data sources such as streaming videos, SCADA, crowd-sourced data platforms, real time maps, ensuring relevant information is readily available various operations. This makes it easy to combine functionalities, corroborate, and make informed decisions.

Myth 7

Properly securing a command or control center requires physical cabling and matrix switches.

Myth Buster

Visability unifies diverse networked assets into a Common Command Picture without traditional AV solutions. Accredited for secure networks, it’s trusted by federal agencies including the U.S. Military, Pentagon, NASA and Homeland Security.

Myth 8

When it comes to technology, a command/control center is essentially a big conference room.

Myth Buster

Unlike conference rooms command/control centers monitor vast amounts of data and oversee critical operations, requiring sophisticated video walls and software to track and manage information effectively.

Myth 9

Maintaining a command or control center environment requires onsite AV contractors.

Myth Buster

Visability from Activu simplified content management on video walls, allowing operators to customize dashboards and simply drag them to the wall without needing special programming or specialists.

Myth 10

Supporting full interaction with application sources on your command or control center wall requires additional hardware in your server room.

Myth Buster

Visability integrates seamlessly with various monitoring and information platforms like Waze, Omnilert, & ServiceNow, eliminating the need for extra hardware.

Myth 11

Command and control centers cannot react in real time to crisis.

Myth Buster

Visability’s Spaces feature streamlines information delivery, providing crucial data precisely when and where needed, leading to faster responses and resolution during emergencies.

Myth 12

Combining physical and cyber functionality in a single Security Operations Center is impractical.

Myth Buster

Integrating physical and cyber security into a cohesive Security Operation Center enhances threat detection and response capabilities, data protection, and overall security through real-time monitoring and analytics.

Are you looking to enhance your control room? Schedule a demo with Activu today.

About Activu

Vis/ability makes any information visible, collaborative, and proactive for people tasked with monitoring critical operations. Users of the platform see, share, and respond to events in real time, with context, to improve incident response, decision-making, and management. Activu software, solutions, and services benefit the daily lives of billions of people around the globe. Founded in 1983 as the first U.S.-based company to develop command center visualization technology, more than 1,300 control rooms depend on Activu.