Alerting & Event-Driven Visual Intelligence

- Event-Driven Visual Intelligence systems, like Activu visability, capture Incidents & alerts from monitoring software already in use by critical operations teams.
- Visual content is combined intelligently & distributed automatically to people and screens, instantly.

- Integrates with popular IT & Cyber Alert Monitoring platforms, without additional development or hardware:

- Connect the apps you monitor, to automate your common operating picture.
- Create seamless, flexible, realtime dashboards across a team & organization.
- Collaborate instantly & automatically when an incident arises.
Leading I.T. and Cyber teams use Activu’s vis/ability Platform to separate signal from noise while automatically raising awareness across the organization.
For each critical incident generated by operational monitoring platforms, visability delivers context and insight in realtime…
…by instantly assembling incident-related dashboards from workstations, web applications, streaming video, and more, into…
…a common operating picture that can be displayed and shared anywhere: on control room displays, on desktops, laptops and mobile devices, improving incident response and time to resolution.

The Challenge
Information Overload & Slow Critical Awareness
- Disparate systems locked in separate systems and workstations.
- Different users permissioned for information needed more broadly by decision-makers.
- Proliferation of monitoring tools obfuscates timely critical information.
The Solution
Focused, Timely, Relevant Dashboards
- Visability combines any visual information source with others for easy collaboration.
- Maintain security of systems while distributing important reports and dashboards.
- Reduce operational dashboards to only the most important, and automatically surface the most relevant information the instant a critical incident occurs,
Link integrates with your information monitoring ecosystem

Control Room Automation
Connect visability to a growing list of monitoring and informational platforms

Triggered by monitoring tools & team member actions, vis/ability® Notifications connect users directly to relevant visual information, when it’s most needed.
Critical Information Delivery to the Enterprise
Visability Notifications extend the platform’s reach and utility by actively delivering critical content, triggered by connected monitoring platforms, directly to those who need it–via email, SMS, Windows desktop notifications, and visability Desktop Client alerts.

Click or tap a realtime Notification to instantly open a visability Space containing all relevant Event-Driven Visual Intelligence–automatically gathered–extending observability throughout an organization regardless of team member location, or information origin.